Non-Clinical Services
Though I am a therapist, these services are NOT therapy; they are educational, skill-building, and may provide space for peer support. These services are not considered healthcare, are not covered by the rules or protections applied to healthcare, and are not reimbursable by insurance.
Coaching VS Therapy: What’s the Difference?
Coaching differs from therapy in several ways. Importantly, coaching is considered non-clinical, whereas therapy is considered clinical.
Therapy includes assessing, diagnosing, and treating mental illness; in therapy, a mental health diagnosis (or diagnoses) is given and is the focus of therapy sessions. In coaching, there is no diagnosing of mental health disorders.
Coaching is used to provide education and information, to work on skill building, and to improve and/or enhance skills and/or relationships.
Coaching is NOT a healthcare service, and so the rules of confidentiality - HIPAA - do not apply.
(Please note that I am a mandated reporter, and am required to act as such at all times, not only when on the clock as a mental health professional)
Parent Coaching
ADHD Parent Coaching Group
My Child was Diagnosed with ADHD - Now What?
This 5-week online parenting group is for parents/guardians whose child(ren) were recently diagnosed with ADHD and/or who want more information about the diagnosis or how to support their child now that they have this diagnosis.
Topics covered will include:
- The ADHD Brain, neurodiversity, and common ADHD experiences
- Interventions and accommodations (for at home, in schools, and more)
- Basics of medication management for ADHD
- Parenting strategies - Working with your child’s school
Each session is 60-75min long
Cost: $150 for the 5-week series ($30 per session)
Next group begins in October 2024
One session a week for 5 consecutive weeks (day and time TBD)
Parent Coaching Informed by the Collaborative and Proactive Solutions (CPS) Approach
This parent coaching experience will help you shift your parenting and your relationship with your child(ren), informed by the content of Dr. Ross Greene’s books The Explosive Child (6th Edition) and Raising Human Beings, as well as the wealth of content found at www.LivesInTheBalance.org.
I will help you to better understand your child’s needs and the barriers they are experiencing that get in the way of them meeting the expectations in their lives. Through coaching, we will explore how to apply concepts, tools, and strategies from CPS into daily life.
Note: The CPS approach is not just for parents of “explosive” children; these strategies honor the needs of children who internalize as well as those who externalize; those who struggle with worries, sadness, and low self esteem as well as those who struggle with anger and/or disruptive behaviors. The CPS approach can be implemented by parents but also by teachers and entire school systems.
Parent Coaching typically begins with 2-3 sessions with just the parent(s), followed by 2+ sessions with parent(s) and child, where I will guide you in using the CPS model of problem solving (referred to as “Plan B”) together. Additional sessions (parent only and/or parent and child) can follow as needed.
Individual Parent Coaching (in person or virtual)
Individual Parent Coaching sessions are available both in person and online (no location requirement for coaching) on the topics of: general parenting, parenting your ADHD child, and parenting (gender and sexuality focus). In all parent coaching, I focus on being neurodiversity-affirming and building knowledge and strategies to enhance connection, communication, and problem solving skills.
Most of the parenting strategies I coach are heavily influenced by Dr. Ross Greene’s Collaborative and Proctive Solutions, by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and by underpinnings of attachment and systems theory. I always work with parents on taking into consideration the larger environment in which they and their children exist, as well as looking deeply at both the strengths and the challenges they are currently experiencing within the family.
Parent Coaching may include family coaching as well, as we collaboratively agree may be useful.
Individual Parent Coaching sessions cost: $150 per 55 minute session, $90 per 30 minute refresher session. Options to purchase packages of Parent Coaching sessions may be available; please inquire if interested.